Nov 13, 2007

In It Together

Caden will remain in the hospital for another few days. I guess he just didn't want to make Cole feel left behind. I know there's a good reason for them being in the hospital but it's that fact in itself that is of great concern to Teresa and I. Today is day 27 after all and it's hard to look past the next day or two as to when they will both be discharged. Our patience is being tested as is our ability to stay upbeat and optomistic. Who knows, in another hour or two (or after a good long run) I may be completely recharged and feeling better about all of this.

One to show them when they're older

One of my favorites of Cole


E-Speed said...

OMG They get more adorable every day! I am sure they will be home safe and sound soon. They are doing so much better than my cousins twins did and they are both in school now and fit as ever! And that was despite Cameron swallowing a whole bottle of baby oil and being near death (now he is a kick butt wrestler!). Kids are tough, they just need a bit longer to get ready for life at home.

I am sure this is also making you and Teresa stronger. You guys are going to be great parents!

Neese said...

those feelings are understandable, no doubt..... bless you all

the babies are SO cute! (that SO goes without saying, but I just had to

Frank Kitchen said...

Great photos Brian! I heard your sons really "Love" Dad when it comes to diaper changing. I've heard from a little birdie that they've had their very own gatorade celebration for you from time to time! =0 )

I can't wait to meet the C and C music Factory as Teresa calls them. Keep up they positive thoughts and your boys will be home soon! I'll see you in a few weeks! I'll need to get in about 10 miles one morning, so maybe we can run together!

Anonymous said...

Hey B- Been reading your blog.. the little guys are looking great! I'm sure they'll be home soon!